
Server 3.x


This document contains some information about the security of the software, more specifically: the configuration choices that were made.

Web Server#

By default Apache is used.


We use a template to update the TLS options.


TBD. Look into “Crypto Policies” on Fedora/CentOS.

We use a template to update the TLS options.


The basic OpenVPN server (and client) cryptography configuration:

The server supports two data ciphers allowing the client to choose one of those. If the server supports hardware accelerated AES, AES-256-GCM is preferred, otherwise CHACHA20-POLY1305.

There’s no need to configure specific TLS ciphers, as all ciphers defined in the TLSv1.3 specification are secure to use.


There are no configuration toggles regarding security properties, except preshared keys which is currently NOT used.


We use fkooman/secookie, a library to implement secure PHP sessions (and cookies).


We use fkooman/oauth2-server, a library to implement a secure OAuth 2.1 server.

It uses public key signatures to sign/verify the issues OAuth tokens.


The CA of the VPN service is “online” as it needs to generate valid keys/certificates on the fly. The vpn-ca software is used as CA.

Only EdDSA keys are supported.


By default we do NOT modify the SSH configuration itself, however we do configure the firewall to allow SSH access from everywhere, including VPN clients.

You SHOULD change/update this! Look here.