
Server 3.x


NOTE: if you installed your server before the default became nftables, look here for iptables documentation. We switched to nftables by default for new installations on 2023-09-08.

NOTE: if you are currently using iptables, but would like to switch to nftables you can use this document and “port” any changes you may have made based on the various sections below. If you can’t figure it out, you can always contact us.

NOTE: Debian 11 and Ubuntu 22.04 ship with a version of nftables that is too old, i.e older than 1.0.3 that added support for wildcards in interface sets. Therefore you can’t use e.g. iifname { "tun*", "wg0" } on those OSes. You’ll have to either use two lines if you want to use wildcards, or, mention the interfaces explicitly as is done in the nftables rules deployed out of the box. Of course, if you run on Debian, please deploy on Debian 12, or upgrade to Debian 12 first ;-)

A very simple static firewall based on nftables is installed when running the deploy scripts. It allows connections to the VPN, SSH, HTTP and HTTPS ports. In addition it uses NAT for both IPv4 and IPv6 client traffic.

This document explains how to modify the firewall for common scenarios that deviate from the default and on how to tailor the VPN configuration for your particular set-up. Much more is possible with nftables that is out of scope of this document. We only collected some common situations below.

For more information on what you can do with nftables, see their wiki.

The default firewall configuration files as installed on new deployments can be found here, they may be updated from time to time:

You can of course also use the firewall software of your choice, or fully disable the firewall! As our goal was to keep things as simple and easy as possible by default.

Configuration File#

You can find the configuration file in the following location:

OS Location
Debian, Ubuntu /etc/nftables.conf
Fedora, EL /etc/sysconfig/nftables.conf

Manage Firewall#


$ sudo nft list ruleset


$ sudo systemctl stop nftables


$ sudo systemctl start nftables


$ sudo systemctl restart nftables

IPv4 vs IPv6#

Configuring IPv4 and IPv6 is very similar. Only when IP family specific configuration is needed you need to refer to ip or ip6. You’ll see in the examples below. We’ll try to provide always configuration examples for both IPv4 and IPv6.

Improving the Defaults#

The default firewall works well, but can be improved upon by updating it to match your deployment.

Restricting SSH Access#

By default, SSH is allowed from everywhere, including the VPN clients. It makes sense to restrict this a set of hosts or a “bastion” host.

table inet filter {
    chain input {

        tcp dport { 22, 1194 } accept


You can modify it like this:

table inet filter {
    chain input {

        tcp dport { 1194 } accept

        ip saddr {, } tcp dport 22 accept
        ip6 saddr { 2001:db8:1234:5678::1/64 } tcp dport 22 accept


Opening Additional VPN Ports#

By default, one port, both for TCP and UDP are open for OpenVPN connections:

table inet filter {
    chain input {

        tcp dport { 22, 1194 } accept
        udp dport { 1194, 51820 } accept


You can easily add more by using “ranges”, e.g.:

table inet filter {
    chain input {

        tcp dport { 22, 1194-1197 } accept
        udp dport { 1194-1197, 51820 } accept


Make sure you also enable the additional tun interfaces in the forward chain, for example if you have 4 tun devices:

iifname { "tun0", "tun1", "tun2", "tun3", "wg0" } oifname $EXTERNAL_IF accept

On Debian >= 12, Fedora and EL you can also use a wild card in the interface set:

iifname { "tun*", "wg0" } oifname $EXTERNAL_IF accept

If you are still on Debian 11, or Ubuntu you can use two iifname lines:

iifname "tun*" oifname $EXTERNAL_IF accept
iifname "wg0" oifname $EXTERNAL_IF accept

NAT to Multiple Public IP Addresses#


    chain postrouting {
        type nat hook postrouting priority srcnat; policy accept;
        ip saddr {,, } oifname $EXTERNAL_IF snat ip to
        ip6 saddr fc00::/7 oifname $EXTERNAL_IF snat ip6 to 2001:db8:1234:5678::/120


See also NAT pooling.

NAT to Different Public IP Addresses per Profile#


    chain postrouting {
        type nat hook postrouting priority srcnat; policy accept;
        ip saddr oifname $EXTERNAL_IF snat ip to
        ip saddr oifname $EXTERNAL_IF snat ip to
        ip saddr oifname $EXTERNAL_IF snat ip to
        ip6 saddr fd99:1234:5678:9ab0::/64 oifname $EXTERNAL_IF snat ip6 to 2001:db8:1234:5678::
        ip6 saddr fd99:1234:5678:9ab1::/64 oifname $EXTERNAL_IF snat ip6 to 2001:db8:1234:5678::1
        ip6 saddr fd99:1234:5678:9ab2::/64 oifname $EXTERNAL_IF snat ip6 to 2001:db8:1234:5678::2


Allow Client to Client Traffic#


    chain forward {
        type filter hook forward priority filter; policy drop;
        tcp flags syn tcp option maxseg size set rt mtu
        ct state vmap { invalid : drop, established : accept, related : accept }
        iifname { "tun0", "tun1", "wg0" } oifname { $EXTERNAL_IF, "tun0", "tun1", "wg0" } accept


Reject Forwarding Traffic#

If you only want to allow traffic from VPN clients to certain prefixes, you can do that like this:


    chain forward {
        type filter hook forward priority filter; policy drop;
        tcp flags syn tcp option maxseg size set rt mtu
        ct state vmap { invalid : drop, established : accept, related : accept }
        iifname { "tun0", "tun1", "wg0" } oifname $EXTERNAL_IF ip daddr {, } accept
        iifname { "tun0", "tun1", "wg0" } oifname $EXTERNAL_IF ip6 daddr 2001:db8::/32 accept


Drop Certain VPN Client Traffic#

One might want to reject traffic to various ports on the Internet. Traditionally the port to block would be tcp/25 to prevent spam, but these days that seems unnecessary due to mitigations like SPF and DMARC/DKIM, but for completeness sake, we’ll show how to do that here:


    chain forward {
        type filter hook forward priority filter; policy drop;
        tcp flags syn tcp option maxseg size set rt mtu
        ct state vmap { invalid : drop, established : accept, related : accept }
        tcp dport 25 drop        
        iifname { "tun0", "tun1", "wg0" } oifname $EXTERNAL_IF accept


The rule tcp dport 25 drop will drop any traffic to TCP port 25.

Reject IPv6 Client Traffic#


Public IP Addresses for VPN Clients#

Disabling NAT#

You can simply remove the entire chain postrouting section.

Allowing Incoming Traffic#


    chain forward {
        type filter hook forward priority filter; policy drop;
        tcp flags syn tcp option maxseg size set rt mtu        
        ct state vmap { invalid : drop, established : accept, related : accept }
        iifname { "tun0", "tun1", "wg0", $EXTERNAL_IF } oifname { "tun0", "tun1", "wg0", $EXTERNAL_IF } accept


TCP MSS Clamping#

One rule we did not explain yet is the one that is used for TCP MSS Clamping, i.e.:

tcp flags syn tcp option maxseg size set rt mtu

What this does is rewrite the MSS TCP header to include the maximum MTU of the path. See the WireGuard document for more information. If you know what you are doing, MTU != MSS! you can also set a specific value, e.g.:

tcp flags syn tcp option maxseg size set 1324