
Server 2.x

Upgrade 1.x to 2.x#

This document describes how to “upgrade” your 1.0 server to 2.0. I wrote “upgrade” as there is no way to automatically upgrade your server to 2.0. The reason for this is the extensive changes during the lifetime of 1.0. Therefore, there are many different “deployments” out there in various stages. As we needed to break compatibility for client configurations anyway as we removed some legacy OpenVPN configuration options and changed the OAuth token format we didn’t bother handling the upgrade scenario. This also means that all current users will need to download a new configuration and configure their device. If they are using the Let’s Connect! or eduVPN apps this will be handled automatically: only a new authentication/authorization will be triggered.

The way we approach an “upgrade” consists of these steps:

  1. Create a backup of relevant configuration files;
  2. Reset your VPN server or remove the 1.0 software, configuration and data;
  3. Run the deploy_${DIST}.sh 2.0 script;
  4. (Optionally) manually merge the old configuration with the new configuration.


A few files are interesting to keep as they may help you configure your 2.0 server if you don’t remember all the details of the changes you made during the 1.0 installation.

You SHOULD also make sure you have a copy of your TLS certificate/key if you used something else than Let’s Encrypt as the new deploy script MAY overwrite your TLS certificate! However, this depends on how/where you installed the certificate.


After backing up the files mentioned above, the best approach is to “reset” your machine, i.e. perform a new installation of the operating system, typically this is very easy when using a VM platform.

If this is not possible or inconvenient, you can use the remove_1.0_${DIST}.sh script to remove all software, configuration and data belonging to your 1.0 installation.


If you are using CentOS / Fedora, you need to deal with SELinux and remove some of its configuration. Because the and scripts changed during the lifetime of the 1.0 release we can’t be sure which SELinux configuration is active on your server.

In order to continue, run the following command and verify the output:

$ sudo semanage port -l | grep openvpn_port_t
openvpn_port_t                 tcp      1195-1263, 11940-12195, 1194
openvpn_port_t                 udp      1195-1263, 1194

Now you can remove the UDP and TCP ports, except 1194, for the example output above it would look like this, but on your system it MAY be different:

$ sudo semanage port -d -t openvpn_port_t -p tcp 1195-1263
$ sudo semanage port -d -t openvpn_port_t -p tcp 11940-12195
$ sudo semanage port -d -t openvpn_port_t -p udp 1195-1263

When you are done it should look like this:

$ sudo semanage port -l | grep openvpn_port_t
openvpn_port_t                 tcp      1194
openvpn_port_t                 udp      1194


Follow the new server deployment instructions.


Now that you have a new deployment, you can start by (re)configuring your server again.

Follow the (new) documentation as found here, and use that as a basis for (re)configuring your server. Do NOT copy your old configuration files over the new configuration files, but only use them to look at the details of what you configured before. Most configuration options will be similar to what they were before. The biggest changes were made to the way users are authenticated. It is best to follow the documentation on how to (re)configure the user authentication and what options are available now / need to be configured.

As there is no longer a vpn-admin-portal in 2.0, there is no need to restore anything there. The “Admin” functionality is now part of the vpn-user-portal component.

Also, the configuration and data is no longer stored in a default folder, but directly under the component directory.

For example, in 1.0 the configuration for vpn-user-portal was located in the file /etc/vpn-user-portal/default/config.php, but in 2.0 this is now /etc/vpn-user-portal/config.php.

If you update your configuration files, you can also take a look at the “templates” that contain the default configuration. Some of the scripts that run during the deployment stage modify those files and remove all the comments in the process, which is unfortunate. The templates can be found here:

If you are using the Guest Usage mode, i.e. are part of the “Secure Internet” list in the eduVPN apps you need to make your public key available for us to add to the “discovery list” so other VPN servers can trust your users:

$ sudo vpn-user-portal-show-oauth-key | sudo tee /var/www/${HOSTNAME}/public_key.txt
OAuth Key
    Public Key: nLa3nis8gHQJrKJfjnreITIzUUHdJX1DX8537x8MTLg
    Key ID    : qzmnAbX7mJYEMN6aP2jO-AAKxYerc5ApskEB0Jn9iJU

Provide us the ${HOSTNAME} so we can fetch the public key over HTTPS. Make sure your TLS certificate is correctly configured and trusted. We’ll ask for confirmation that the public key is correct using another channel.