
Server 2.x

Shibboleth SP (Debian)#

This document describes installing Shibboleth on Debian 10 and 11.


$ sudo apt install libapache2-mod-shib
$ sudo shib-keygen -n sp-encrypt
$ sudo shib-keygen -n sp-signing


Modify /etc/shibboleth/shibboleth2.xml:

Configuring automatic metadata refresh is outside the scope of this document, refer to your identity federation documentation.

Verify the Shibboleth configuration:

$ sudo shibd -t
overall configuration is loadable, check console for non-fatal problems

Restart Shibboleth:

$ sudo systemctl restart shibd

Next: register your SP in your identity federation, or in your IdP. The metadata URL is typically


In /etc/apache2/sites-available/ add the following:

<VirtualHost *:443>


    <Location /vpn-user-portal>
        AuthType shibboleth
        ShibRequestSetting requireSession 1
            Require shib-session
            #Require shib-attr entitlement ""
            #Require shib-attr unscoped-affiliation staff

    # do not secure API endpoint
    <Location /vpn-user-portal/api.php>
        Require all granted

    # do not secure OAuth endpoint
    <Location /vpn-user-portal/oauth.php>
        Require all granted



If you have a case where only one attribute needs to match, you can use <RequireAny>instead of <RequireAll>. You will also need to remove the Require shib-session.

Make sure you restart Apache after changing the configuration:

$ sudo systemctl restart apache2

NOTE if you are using IDs such as entitlement and unscoped-affiliation make sure they are correctly enabled/set in /etc/shibboleth/attribute-map.xml.


In order to configure the VPN portal, modify /etc/vpn-user-portal/config.php and set the authMethod and ShibAuthentication options:


'authMethod' => 'ShibAuthentication',


'ShibAuthentication' => [
    'userIdAttribute' => 'persistent-id',
    'permissionAttribute' => 'entitlement',


The mentioned attributes persistent-id and entitlement are configured in the Shibboleth configuration. Modify/add others as required in /etc/shibboleth/attribute-map.xml. Do not forget to restart Shibboleth if you make any changes to its configuration.