
Server 2.x

php-saml-sp Upgrade#


This document is ONLY relevant if you were using the experimental SamlAuthentication authentication module in your VPN portal. As this module is experimental we kept the freedom to break things if necessary without you being able to complain about that ;-) However, it is nice to “support” it at least a little bit.


Versions of vpn-user-portal < 2.2.0 supported only the SamlAuthentication method. From 2.2.0 there is support for both SamlAuthentication and PhpSamlSpAuthentication. The former is a “full” SAML SP application, similar to simpleSAMLphp in how it functions. From version 2.3.0 support for SamlAuthentication will be removed, and thus any user of this MUST upgrade to PhpSamlSpAuthentication. Luckily, this is quite easy! It also makes sense to upgrade in window between the 2.2.0 release and the 2.3.0 release as it gives you the option and time to switch back if necessary and complain to us.


Make sure your system is fully up to date by installing and applying all updates and reboot. When updating to 2.2.0 everything will keep working as-is, don’t worry.

On Debian, make sure you enable the configuration:

$ sudo a2enconf php-saml-sp
$ sudo systemctl restart apache2

On CentOS/Fedora you’d only need to restart Apache to enable it, which would also be accomplished by installing all updates as above and rebooting the system.

Figure out which IdP is currently supported by looking for idpEntityId in /etc/vpn-user-portal/config.php configure that as an entry in /etc/php-saml-sp/config.php under idpList. In case you were using a discovery service you would have to check your discovery service configuration for which IdPs are supported and include all of them under idpList in /etc/php-saml-sp/config.php. The metadata used before is specified under idpMetadata. Copy this file to /etc/php-saml-sp/metadata (as root):

# mkdir /etc/php-saml-sp/metadata
# cp /path/to/idp/metadata.xml /etc/php-saml-sp/metadata

You can set the entity ID of your SP under entityId if you want to keep using the old one. The default SP entityID for php-fkooman-saml-sp was The default SP entity ID of php-saml-sp is Keeping the entity ID the same is especially important when using eduPersonTargetedID as the identity depends on the entity ID of the SP.

Once you configured these, your new SP should be up and running. Now you need to talk to your IdP(s) to reimport the metadata from After that is done your can run an authentication test from If it doesn’t work, review your /etc/php-saml-sp/config.php file and make sure the metadata is correctly made available under /etc/php-saml-sp/metadata as XML files, e.g. idp-1.xml, idp-2.xml, …, idp-n.xml. However, feel free to name them any way you like, as long as they end in .xml it is fine. Typically you want to indicate in the name for which IdP it is, though :-)

Once everything works, you can switch vpn-user-portal to use php-saml-sp instead of php-fkooman-saml-sp:

Rename SamlAuthentication under /etc/vpn-user-portal/config.php to PhpSamlSpAuthentication and set the authMethod to PhpSamlSpAuthentication. The following options left over from SamlAuthentication are no longer needed and can be removed. They are now configured in php-saml-sp:

The rest stays as is. After making these changes, the VPN portal should be using php-saml-sp!


After everything works you can now remove the old SAML keys:

# rm /etc/vpn-user-portal/sp.*