
Server 2.x


There are three places where you can have VPN server logging:

OpenVPN Log#

The OpenVPN logging can be enabled in the profile configuration with the enableLog option. This is mostly useful for debugging connection problems, i.e. figure out why a client connection is rejected. You can use journalctl to “follow” the log:

$ sudo journalctl -f -t openvpn

VPN Connection Log#


Finding out which user had a particular IP address at a specified moment can be done through the portal as an admin.


NOTE: this is only available in vpn-server-api >= 2.2.11

In addition to writing connection information to the database, this information is also written to syslog.

An example of these log entries:

Jul 12 16:48:43 vpn-server-api[8643]: CONNECT fkooman (default) [,fd5e:eccc:d4b:783f::1000]
Jul 12 16:48:46 vpn-server-api[8642]: DISCONNECT fkooman (default) [,fd5e:eccc:d4b:783f::1000]

The default format is:


NOTE: starting from vpn-server-api >= 2.2.12 there is flexibility in the way the log is written. A template can be configured. The default is the format shown above. This version also adds the ability to log the “originating IP” of the VPN client.

You can set the connectionLogFormat in /etc/vpn-server-api/config.php to a string that is used as a template for generating the log lines. You can customize this and use the following “variables” that are replaced before writing the log line:

Another example, where the originating IP is also logged could be:


Web Server Log#

The Web server request logging you can enable as well by modifying the virtual host configuration, on CentOS in /etc/httpd/conf.d/ where is the hostname of your VPN server. In the <VirtualHost *:443> section you can uncomment this line:

TransferLog logs/vpn.example.org_ssl_access_log

After that, restart Apache:

$ sudo systemctl restart httpd

The web server log file will be written to /var/log/httpd/vpn.example.org_ssl_access_log.