
Server 2.x


The VPN service supports access control. This allows configuring that users require certain “permissions” to access a particular VPN profile. This is useful if you have multiple types of users. For example, only employees get access to the “Employees” profile, but students do not. You can also require certain permissions to be able to use the Portal/API at all.

Currently, the following access control mechanisms are supported:

The permissions are cached for up to a configurable period. By default this is 3 months, but can easily be modified. This cache is required, because not all authentication backends have a way to validate the permissions “out of band”, i.e. when the user is not actively authenticating.


The configuration is done in two locations:


We assume SAML is already configured and working.

You have to choose a SAML attribute you want to use for determining the membership. Typically, that would be eduPersonEntitlement or eduPersonAffiliation, but any SAML attribute will do. You MAY need to specify the OID variant as shown in the example below depending on your IdP / identity federation.

In order to configure this, modify /etc/vpn-user-portal/config.php and set the permissionAttribute to the name of the attribute:

'MellonAuthentication' => [
    // OID for eduPersonTargetedId
    'userIdAttribute' => 'MELLON_urn:oid:1_3_6_1_4_1_5923_1_1_1_10',
    // OID for eduPersonPrincipalName
    //'userIdAttribute' => 'MELLON_urn:oid:1_3_6_1_4_1_5923_1_1_1_6',

    // OID for eduPersonEntitlement
    //'permissionAttribute' => 'MELLON_urn:oid:1_3_6_1_4_1_5923_1_1_1_7',
    // OID for eduPersonAffiliation
    //'permissionAttribute' => 'MELLON_urn:oid:1_3_6_1_4_1_5923_1_1_1_1',

Once you authenticate to the portal, on the “Account” page, i.e. https://vpn.example/vpn-user-portal/account, you should see the “Group Membership(s)” listed there.


We assume LDAP is already configured and working.

You have to choose an LDAP attribute you want to use for determining the membership. Typically, that would be memberOf, but any LDAP attribute will work.

In order to configure this, modify /etc/vpn-user-portal/config.php and set the permissionAttribute to the name of the attribute:

'FormLdapAuthentication' => [
    // LDAP configuration

    // ...

    // ...

    'permissionAttribute' => ['memberOf'],

Once you authenticate to the portal, on the “Account” page, i.e. https://vpn.example/vpn-user-portal/account, you should see the “Group Membership(s)” listed there.


The authentication backends FormPdoAuthentication (default), FormLdapAuthentication and FormRadiusAuthentication support “static” permissions. This means that you can use a (JSON) file where the mapping between permissions and users are stored.

Thie file is stored in /etc/vpn-user-portal/static_permissions.json and has the following format:

    "administrators": [
    "employees": [

This means that the users foobar and foobaz get the administrators permission and the users foobar, foo, bar and baz get the employees permission. Note that the user foobar has two permissions.

NOTE: if you are using the FormLdapAuthentication authentication backend, the static permissions are added to the ones that may have been retrieved through LDAP.

Admin/Portal/API Access#

You can restrict access to the Portal/API to certain permissions. For example, if you only went employees to be able to access the VPN service and not students, you can. in addition to profile restrictions (see next section) prevent them from accessing the service at all.

In /etc/vpn-user-portal/config.php you can configure it like this:

'accessPermissionList' => ['employees'],

This requires everyone to have the permission employees. If you specify more than one “permission”, the user needs to be member of only one. The permissions are thus “OR”.

In order to provide access to the “Admin” part of the portal, see PORTAL_ADMIN.

Profile Mapping#

Modify /etc/vpn-server-api/config.php, and set the enableAcl to true and add the authorized attribute values to aclPermissionList for each of the profiles where you want to restrict access, for example:

The values of aclPermissionList come from the permissionAttribute as configured in your authentication module. You can verify which values are available for your account by going to the “Account” page in your portal. It will be listed under your “User ID”. If nothing is shown there, you need to either make sure your account has any permissions, or logout and login again.

// Whether or not to enable ACLs for controlling who can connect
// DEFAULT = false
'enableAcl' => true,

// The list of groups to allow access, requires enableAcl to be 
// true
// DEFAULT  = []
'aclPermissionList' => [