Server Cryptographic Material#
NOTE: this document is work in progress!
This document contains a list of all cryptographic material. We’ll explain what they are used for, where they are and how they can be (re)generated.
The purpose of this document is, next to providing an overview, make it easier to create these secrets “offline” and for example deploy them using Ansible or Puppet without depending on secrets generated on the server(s).
Single Server Installation#
On a single node system there are three locations where you can find cryptographic material:
We’ll walk over those locations in turn.
The following keys are stored under /etc/vpn-user-portal/keys
Purpose | Location | Remarks |
OpenVPN CA Certificate | ca/ca.crt |
OpenVPN CA Private Key | ca/ca.key |
OAuth Secret Key | oauth.key |
VPN Node Key | node.N.key |
N is 0 for Single Server |
Admin API | admin-api.key |
Optional, Preview Feature |
Guest Access | hmac.key |
Optional |
The following keys are stored under /var/lib/vpn-user-portal
Purpose | Location | Remarks |
OpenVPN TLS Crypt Key | tls-crypt-default.key |
WireGuard Public Key | wireguard.N.public.key |
N is 0 for Single Server |
The following keys are stored under /etc/vpn-server-node/keys
Purpose | Location |
WireGuard Private Key | wireguard.key |
VPN Node Key | node.key |
Key Details#
The CA is used for OpenVPN server and client configuration files. The CA is generated using the vpn-ca tool. This tool is installed as part of the VPN server installation. It will generate a EdDSA (Curve25519) CA. The actual command that is used to create the CA:
$ CA_KEY_TYPE=EdDSA vpn-ca -init-ca -not-after $(date -d "+10 years" +%FT%T%:z) -name "VPN CA"
You can inspect the CA certificate using e.g. openssl
$ sudo cat /etc/vpn-user-portal/keys/ca/ca.crt | openssl x509 -noout -text
OAuth Secret Key#
The OAuth key is used for protecting the OAuth API as used by the eduVPN and Let’s Connect! VPN applications.
They key format is documented here.
You can easily generate a new key using the PHP command line:
$ php -r 'echo sprintf("k7.sec.%s.%s\n", sodium_bin2base64(random_bytes(12), SODIUM_BASE64_VARIANT_URLSAFE_NO_PADDING), sodium_bin2base64(sodium_crypto_sign_secretkey(sodium_crypto_sign_keypair()), SODIUM_BASE64_VARIANT_URLSAFE_NO_PADDING));'
VPN Node Key#
The VPN Node Key is used to communicate between “Node” and “Portal”. This is not really meaningful on “Single Server” deployments, but becomes important in Multi Node deployments.
The key is 32 bytes hex encoded. You can easily generate a new key using the PHP command line:
$ php -r 'echo sodium_bin2hex(random_bytes(32))."\n";'
The file /etc/vpn-user-portal/keys/node.0.key
have the exact same content on a default
OpenVPN TLS Crypt Key#
The OpenVPN TLS Crypt Key is used to not directly expose OpenVPN’s TLS mechanism to the Internet. The TLS Crypt Key is a shared secret among the server and all clients. Its effectiveness depends on this shared key not being public.
Every VPN Profile has its own TLS Crypt Key. The name of
the file contains the profileId
, e.g. tls-crypt-default.key
is for the
profile default
You can generate one of these using OpenVPN’s binary:
$ /usr/sbin/openvpn --genkey tls-crypt
See openvpn(8)
for more information on --genkey
and --tls-crypt
WireGuard Keys#
The WireGuard secret key can be generated using the wg
tool, part of the
$ wg genkey
As documented by wg(8)
, you can generate a new secret (and public) key in one
$ wg genkey | tee private.key | wg pubkey > public.key
Admin API#
See Admin API on how to configure and use the API.
The key is 32 bytes hex encoded. You can easily generate a new key using the PHP command line:
$ php -r 'echo sodium_bin2hex(random_bytes(32))."\n";'
Guest Access#
See Guest Access on important details regarding “Guest Access”. This will most likely not be relevant for you!
$ php -r 'echo sodium_bin2base64(random_bytes(32), SODIUM_BASE64_VARIANT_URLSAFE_NO_PADDING)."\n";'
Multi System Installation#
On multi system installations not all cryptographic material is stored on the
same system any longer. For example /etc/vpn-server-node/keys
is only
available on the node(s) and /etc/vpn-user-portal/keys
only on the portal. For more information on how
to set this up see High Availability (HA) and
Multi Node.
In addition, we’ll have some extra files to facilitate the TLS communication between portal(s) and node(s).
VPN Daemon (Portal)#
The following keys are stored under /etc/vpn-user-portal/keys
Purpose | Location |
CA Certificate | vpn-daemon/ca.crt |
TLS Key | vpn-daemon/vpn-daemon-client.key |
TLS Certificate | vpn-daemon/vpn-daemon-client.crt |
They are used to communicate with the vpn-daemon
process running on the
node(s). We provide instructions on how to generate them
here using the
vpn-ca tool.
VPN Daemon (Node)#
The following keys are stored under /etc/ssl/vpn-daemon
(on Debian / Ubuntu)
or /etc/vpn-daemon
on Fedora / EL.
Purpose | Location |
CA Certificate | ca.crt |
TLS Key | private/server.key |
TLS Certificate | server.crt |
We provide instructions on how to generate them here using the vpn-ca tool.
Node Keys#
Every node has its own node key stored in /etc/vpn-server-node/keys/node.key
On the portal the node number is encoded in the file name in order to keep the
node keys apart.
The node number MUST be configured on the node in
and match the index of the node key on the
portal, e.g. if nodeNumber
is 3
, the file
on the portal contains that key.
Node keys can be generated as documented under the “Single Server” section.
WireGuard Key#
Every node has its own WireGuard key in
. Contrary to OpenVPN, for WireGuard
the key is per node, NOT per profile. The public component of it will be
registered in the portal when vpn-maint-apply-changes
is ran.
You could already put the public key under
on the
portal. Where N
is the node number.