
Server 3.x

Script Connection Hook#

This page documents how to launch a (custom) script when a VPN client connects, and/or disconnects. This can for example be used to verify if a user still exists in the LDAP server, or trigger firewall modifications in a remote system.

NOTE: this describes a PREVIEW feature. We aim to fully support this feature starting from server version >= 3.1. Please test and provide us with feedback if you want to use this feature to make sure it satisfies your requirements! Be aware that you MAY need to update your configuration when using this feature before we consider this feature stable! The more feedback we get, the better!


You can enable running a script in /etc/vpn-user-portal/config.php by setting the connectScriptPath configuration option, e.g.:

    'connectScriptPath' => '/usr/local/bin/',

Make sure the script is available under that path and is set to be “executable”, e.g.: sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/


A number of variables will be exposed to the script through environment variables:

Variable Description Event
VPN_EVENT C: Connect, D: Disconnect C, D
VPN_CONNECTION_ID OpenVPN: X.509 certificate CN, WireGuard: Public Key C, D
VPN_IP_FOUR IPv4 address assigned to VPN client C, D
VPN_IP_SIX IPv6 address assigned to VPN client C, D
VPN_ORIGINATING_IP OpenVPN only: original IP address of VPN client C
VPN_PROTO wireguard or openvpn C, D
VPN_BYTES_IN Bytes received from VPN client D
VPN_BYTES_OUT Bytes sent to VPN client D
VPN_GEO_IP_CC The CC belonging to the IP of the VPN client C
VPN_GEO_IP_URI The “Geo URI” belonging to the IP of the VPN client C

VPN_PROTO, VPN_BYTES_IN and VPN_BYTES_OUT are available in vpn-user-portal >= 3.2.0.

NOTE: the VPN_GEO_IP_* variables are available in vpn-user-portal >= 3.6.1. See Geo IP for more information.

Example Script#

This is an example script that calls a remote service on a specific URL, depending on whether it is a CONNECT or DISCONNECT event:


if [ "C" == "${VPN_EVENT}" ]; then

curl \
    --fail \
    --data-urlencode "ip_four=${VPN_IP_FOUR}" \
    --data-urlencode "ip_six=${VPN_IP_SIX}" \
    --data-urlencode "user_id=${VPN_USER_ID}" \

NOTE: The return value of the script MUST be 0, otherwise the VPN client connection will be rejected!


The script will be triggered for both OpenVPN and WireGuard connections. Due to the nature of how we implement WireGuard, this will be at slightly different moments: for WireGuard the script is called when the client configuration is created, for OpenVPN the script is called when the client actually connects.

This is most obvious when users are using the VPN Portal: on configuration download for WireGuard the “connect” event is triggered and on deletion the “disconnect” event. For OpenVPN it remains on actual VPN connect/disconnect. When using the eduVPN/Let’s Connect! applications through the API there is functionally no difference.


Items we MUST investigate/test before we can declare this feature stable: