
Server 3.x


We moved all WireGuard over TCP server configuration information and documentation here.


NOTE: you do NOT need to read this documentation when you are using the latest eduVPN or Let’s Connect! applications! Those VPN clients handle WireGuard over TCP automatically. This documentation is only for manual WireGuard over TCP configuration and was used extensively for testing the WireGuard over TCP server.


In order to use WireGuard over TCP, you need to modify the WireGuard configuration on the client and run proxyguard-client.

Install proxyguard-client, available as source code here, or available from the (server) Repository for Fedora / EL and Debian / Ubuntu. Configure the repository first, and then continue below.

Fedora / EL#

$ sudo dnf -y install proxyguard-client

Enable and start the service:

$ sudo systemctl enable --now proxyguard-client

Debian / Ubuntu#

$ sudo apt -y install proxyguard-client

On Debian and Ubuntu the service is started and enabled automatically.


Download a VPN configuration from your VPN server that supports WireGuard over TCP. Make sure you select the “WireGuard (TCP)” variant of the profile.

Store the below in a file called


# whether or not to allow traffic to devices on the LAN

if [ -z ${1} ]; then
    echo "ERROR: specify WireGuard VPN configuration file"
    exit 1

if ! [ -f ${VPN_CONF_FILE} ]; then
    echo "ERROR: Missing file '${VPN_CONF_FILE}'"
    exit 1

VPN_NAME=$(basename ${VPN_CONF_FILE} .conf)

if [ -f /etc/debian_version ]; then
    # Debian, Ubuntu
elif [ -f /etc/redhat-release ]; then
    # Fedora, EL
    echo "ERROR: OS not supported"
    exit 1

nmcli con del ${VPN_NAME}

# extract ProxyEndpoint, and comment the field
PROXY_ENDPOINT=$(cat ${VPN_CONF_FILE} | grep 'ProxyEndpoint =' | head -1 | awk {'print $3'})
sed -i 's/^ProxyEndpoint =/#ProxyEndpoint =/' ${VPN_CONF_FILE}

# determine the "Peer IPs"
DNS_HOST=$(echo ${PROXY_ENDPOINT} | cut -d '/' -f 3)
PEER_IPS=$(host ${DNS_HOST} | grep "address" | awk {'print $NF'} | tr "\n" "," | sed 's/,$//')
if [ "" == "${PEER_IPS}" ]; then
    echo "ERROR: unable to determine IP address(es) of ProxyEndpoint"
    exit 1

# configure proxyguard-client
echo "TO=${PROXY_ENDPOINT}" | sudo tee ${CFG_FILE} > /dev/null
echo "PEER_IPS=${PEER_IPS}" | sudo tee -a ${CFG_FILE} > /dev/null

nmcli con import type wireguard file ${VPN_CONF_FILE}
nmcli con down ${VPN_NAME}

nmcli con modify ${VPN_NAME} wireguard.listen-port 54321
nmcli con modify ${VPN_NAME} wireguard.fwmark "$(printf %x 54321)"
nmcli con modify ${VPN_NAME} wireguard.ip4-auto-default-route 0
nmcli con modify ${VPN_NAME} wireguard.ip6-auto-default-route 0
nmcli con modify ${VPN_NAME} ipv4.route-table 54321
nmcli con modify ${VPN_NAME} ipv6.route-table 54321
if [ "${ALLOW_LAN}" == "yes" ]; then
    nmcli con modify ${VPN_NAME} ipv4.routing-rules "priority 1 from all lookup main suppress_prefixlength 0"
    nmcli con modify ${VPN_NAME} ipv6.routing-rules "priority 1 from all lookup main suppress_prefixlength 0"
nmcli con modify ${VPN_NAME} +ipv4.routing-rules "priority 2 not fwmark 54321 table 54321"
nmcli con modify ${VPN_NAME} +ipv6.routing-rules "priority 2 not fwmark 54321 table 54321"

if grep "" ${VPN_CONF_FILE}; then
    # prevent DNS leak outside of VPN tunnel when "default gateway VPN"
    nmcli con modify ${VPN_NAME} ipv4.dns-search "~."
    nmcli con modify ${VPN_NAME} ipv6.dns-search "~."
    nmcli con modify ${VPN_NAME} ipv4.dns-priority -1
    nmcli con modify ${VPN_NAME} ipv6.dns-priority -1

sudo systemctl restart proxyguard-client
nmcli con up ${VPN_NAME}

Now run it:

$ sh ./ vpn.conf

This should set everything up!