
Server 3.x

HA Portal#

Setting up a redundant portal is one part of making the VPN service “High Available”. The other is running multiple VPN nodes. A complete overview of the options can be found here.

In order to make the “Controller / Portal” redundant we have to go through a few steps:

  1. Install the controller/portal on >= 1 systems
  2. Obtain credentials for a remote database cluster
  3. Configure the database
  4. Synchronize the configuration between the portals
  5. Setup memcache
  6. Setup keepalived

We’ll walk you through all steps in the rest of this document.


You can configure the “Controller / Portal” on multiple systems, using the deploy_${DIST}, and your node(s) using deploy_${DIST}

Make sure you provide the same hostname when asked when running the deploy script, e.g.

The machines themselves SHOULD have the names,, …, or whatever fits for your situation.

You perform all configuration on one of the “Controllers / Portal”, and then simple copy the configuration / data to the other(s).


In order to configure the database, perform that from one of the portals you just set up and follow the instructions here.


On all of your “Controller / Portal” machines:

$ sudo apt -y install memcached php-memcached
$ sudo systemctl restart php$(/usr/sbin/phpquery -V)-fpm


By default Memcached only listens on localhost. For our purpose however each installation of the portal should be able to reach all Memcached servers.

Debian / Ubuntu#

Modify /etc/memcached.conf and change the -l line from -l to -l,::

Restart memcached:

$ sudo systemctl restart memcached

NOTE: you MUST make sure you use your firewall to prevent systems on the Internet from reaching your Memcached service!


Modify /etc/sysconfig/memcached and change the OPTIONS line from OPTIONS="-l,::1" to OPTIONS="" to listen on all interfaces.

NOTE: you MUST make sure you use your firewall to prevent systems on the Internet from reaching your Memcached service! An even better solution would be to create a (virtual) private network between your portal servers and bind to the IP address of those interfaces, e.g. OPTIONS="-l".

Restart Memcached:

$ sudo systemctl restart memcached

NOTE when specifying other IP addresses, Memcached MAY fail to start because the network is not “up” yet when trying to bind to the specified IP addresses. In order to fix this:

$ sudo systemctl edit --full memcached.service

Change to Then restart Memcache again:

$ sudo systemctl restart memcached


Modify the session configuration in /etc/vpn-user-portal/config.php:

'sessionModule' => 'MemcacheSessionModule',
'MemcacheSessionModule' => [
    'serverList' => [

NOTE: on, the server SHOULD come first, and on, the server SHOULD come first.

Synchronize Configuration#

Some files need to be copied from one of the portals to the other(s), e.g. VPN CA, OAuth key, OpenVPN/WireGuard key material and HTTPS certificate.

TODO: not all file locations are correct yet!

Copy the following folders from one of your portals to the other(s):

When making changes to your (portal) configuration, i.e. adding or removing profiles, these files/folders will need to be synchronized again!

You’ll also need to copy the TLS certificate used by the portal’s web server to be the same on all portals. Make sure you also update /etc/httpd.conf/ (where is your domain) to point to the correct certificate.

If you are using Let’s Encrypt you can copy the entire /etc/letsencrypt folder to your other portals. Make sure you do this at least every 90 days (the expiry of Let’s Encrypt certificates)!


Install keepalived:

$ sudo apt install keepalived

On in /etc/keepalived/keepalived.conf:

vrrp_instance VI_1 {
        state MASTER
        interface eth0
        virtual_router_id 51
        priority 255
        advert_int 1
        authentication {
              auth_type PASS
              auth_pass 12345
        virtual_ipaddress {

vrrp_instance VI_6 {
        state MASTER
        interface eth0
        virtual_router_id 56
        priority 255
        advert_int 1
        authentication {
              auth_type PASS
              auth_pass 12345
        virtual_ipaddress {

On in /etc/keepalived/keepalived.conf:

vrrp_instance VI_1 {
        state BACKUP
        interface eth0
        virtual_router_id 51
        priority 254
        advert_int 1
        authentication {
              auth_type PASS
              auth_pass 12345
        virtual_ipaddress {

vrrp_instance VI_6 {
        state BACKUP
        interface eth0
        virtual_router_id 56
        priority 255
        advert_int 1
        authentication {
              auth_type PASS
              auth_pass 12345
        virtual_ipaddress {

Make sure you update the interface if required, it is not always eth0, but depends on your (VM) platform.

Enable/start on both systems:

$ sudo systemctl enable --now keepalived

Update firewall on both, NOTE: set the exact IP address(es) of the other portal servers:

-A INPUT -s -p vrrp -j ACCEPT

See also: