
Server 3.x


This document describes version 3 of the API provided by eduVPN and Let’s Connect! servers.

The API is intended to be used by the eduVPN and Let’s Connect! applications. If you are creating your own application, look here how to register your own client in the server.

Using this document you should be able to implement the API in your VPN client, or provide the same API for your VPN server to leverage the existing VPN clients.

This API is fully supported by all eduVPN / Let’s Connect! 3.x servers and 2.x servers with version >= 2.4.1.

The API design was finalized and is considered stable from 2022-01-27.


We use a simple HTTP API protected by OAuth 2, following all recommendations of the OAuth 2.1 draft specification.

For some further implementation notes and recommendations for the client, please read this document.

Server Discovery#

As there are many servers running eduVPN / Let’s Connect! you need to know which server you need to connect to. This can be either hard-coded in the application, the user can be asked to provide a server address or a “discovery” can be implemented.

For eduVPN specific we implement “server discovery” as documented here.

Server Endpoint Discovery#

A “well-known” URL is provided to figure out the OAuth and API endpoint one has to use. The document can be retrieved from /.well-known/vpn-user-portal, e.g.:

    "api": {
        "": {
            "api_endpoint": "",
            "authorization_endpoint": "",
            "token_endpoint": ""
    "v": "3.0.0-1.fc34"

Servers that provide the key under api, support this API.

The application MUST retrieve this document at least once per application run, i.e. if the user restarts the application this document MUST be retrieved fresh for each server the client interacts with. An application MAY opt to refresh the document more frequently.

Rationale: if a server gets upgraded from e.g. 2.x to 3.x, we MUST make sure that the app does not get stuck trying to access old endpoints and the user can at the very least fix it themselves by restarting the application (once).

Endpoint Location#

When fetching this document, redirects, e.g. 301, 302, 303, MUST be followed, but MUST NOT allow redirect to anything else than other https:// URLs, e.g. redirects to http:// MUST be rejected.

Authorization Endpoint#

The authorization_endpoint is used to obtain an authorization code through an “Authorization Request”. All query parameters as defined by the OAuth specification are required, even optional ones:

The authorization_endpoint with its parameters set MUST be opened in the platform’s default browser or follow the platform’s best practice dealing with application authorization(s). The redirect_uri parameter MUST point back to a location the application can intercept.

All error conditions, both during the authorization phase AND when talking to the API endpoint MUST be handled according to the OAuth specification(s).

Token Endpoint#

The token_endpoint is used to exchange the authorization code, as obtained through the redirect_uri as part of the authorization, for an access and refresh token. It is also used to retrieve new access tokens when the current access token expires.

All error conditions, both during the authorization phase AND when talking to the API endpoint MUST be handled according to the OAuth specification(s).

Using the API#

Every API call below will include a cURL example, and an example response that can be expected.

All POST requests MUST be sent encoded as application/x-www-form-urlencoded.

The API can be used with the access token obtained using the OAuth flow as documented above. The following API calls are available:

API Calls#


This call will show the available VPN profiles for this instance. This will allow the application to show the user which profiles are available.

This GET call has no parameters.


Request all available VPN profiles:

$ curl \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer abcdefgh" \


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

    "info": {
        "profile_list": [
                "default_gateway": true,
                "display_name": {
                    "en": "Employees",
                    "nl": "Medewerkers"
                "profile_id": "employees",
                "profile_priority": 0,
                "vpn_proto_list": [
                "default_gateway": false,
                "display_name": "Administrators",
                "profile_id": "admins",
                "profile_priority": 5,
                "vpn_proto_list": [

The fields are described in the table below, look under the table for additional information.

Key Always Set Type Description Since Deprecated
default_gateway Yes bool Whether or not all client traffic is expected to be routed over the VPN 3.0.0 No
profile_priority Yes int Hint for client to sorting the available profiles, highest number first 3.9.10 No
profile_id Yes string Profile ID 3.0.0 No
display_name Yes string or object Human readable name for profile 3.0.0 No
vpn_proto_list Yes []string List of supported VPN protocols for profile 3.0.0 Yes, >= 3.5.6
dns_search_domain_list No []string List of DNS search domains 3.4.3 No
vpn_proto_transport_list No []string List of supported VPN protocols for profile including transport 3.5.6 No

The profile_priority field is documented here.

The display_name field can be either of type string or object. When the field is an object, the keys are BCP-47 language codes and the values the human readable string with the name of the profile.

The vpn_proto_transport_list field enhances the vpn_proto_list field by also listing the supported transports, whereas vpn_proto_list only listed the protocols, e.g.:

    "vpn_proto_transport_list": [

Possible values for vpn_proto_transport_list:

Value Profile Supports
openvpn+udp OpenVPN over UDP
openvpn+tcp OpenVPN over TCP
wireguard+udp WireGuard over UDP
wireguard+tcp WireGuard over TCP

The VPN client SHOULD ignore vpn_proto_list when vpn_proto_transport_list is set.

The dns_search_domain_list field contains the DNS search domains of the VPN server if they are set for a profile. This can be used by VPN clients to configure the DNS search domains of the connection “out of band” if needed.


Get the profile configuration for the profile you want to connect to.


Connect to the “Employees” profile (employees) and specify a WireGuard public key for when WireGuard will be used:

$ curl \
    -d "profile_id=employees" \
    --data-urlencode "public_key=nmZ5ExqRpLgJV9yWKlaC7KQ7EAN7eRJ4XBz9eHJPmUU=" \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer abcdefgh" \

NOTE: a call to /connect immediately invalidates any previously obtained VPN configuration files that belong to the same OAuth authorization.

The POST request has (optional) parameters:

Parameter Required Value(s)
profile_id Yes The profile_id, as obtained from the /info response
public_key No A WireGuard public key, for the WireGuard protocol
prefer_tcp No Prefer connecting over TCP to the server. Either yes or no. Defaults to no

The HTTP Accept request header can be used to persuade the VPN server to only return VPN configurations of a particular protocol and/or transport. This request header is OPTIONAL.

See VPN Protocol Selection for more info on how it is determined which VPN configuration file is returned.

Profile ID#

The value of profile_id MUST be of one of the identifiers for the profiles returned in the /info response.

Public Key#

When the WireGuard protocol is expected to be used, the public_key parameter MUST be set. The value of public_key MUST be a valid WireGuard public key. It has this format:

$ wg genkey | wg pubkey
Prefer TCP#

The prefer_tcp parameter is a hint for the VPN server, currently only for the OpenVPN protocol.

If set to yes, the client indicates that a connection over TCP is preferred. The server MAY accept this and return an OpenVPN configuration with the TCP “remotes” first and thus have the client try to connect over TCP first.

The server MAY ignore the option, for example when the profile only supports WireGuard, or the OpenVPN server configuration does not use TCP.


If the profile is an OpenVPN profile you’ll get the complete OpenVPN client configuration with Content-Type: application/x-openvpn-profile, e.g.:

HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Expires: Fri, 06 Aug 2021 03:59:59 GMT
Content-Type: application/x-openvpn-profile

dev tun
remote-cert-tls server
verb 3
server-poll-timeout 10
tls-version-min 1.3
data-ciphers AES-256-GCM:CHACHA20-POLY1305
reneg-sec 0
# 2048 bit OpenVPN static key
-----BEGIN OpenVPN Static key V1-----
-----END OpenVPN Static key V1-----
remote vpn.example 1194 udp
remote vpn.example 1194 tcp

If the profile is an WireGuard profile you’ll get a WireGuard client configuration with Content-Type: application/x-wireguard-profile, e.g.:

Expires: Fri, 06 Aug 2021 03:59:59 GMT
Content-Type: application/x-wireguard-profile

Address =, fd43::2/64
DNS =, 2620:fe::fe

PublicKey = iWAHXts9w9fQVEbA5pVriPlAYMwwEPD5XcVCZDZn1AE=
AllowedIPs =, ::/0
Endpoint = vpn.example:51820

As can be seen in the examples, this API response also contains an Expires header that indicates when the VPN configuration will expire.


This call is to indicate to the server that the VPN session(s) belonging to this OAuth authorization can be terminated.

The purpose of this call is to clean up, i.e. release the IP address reserved for the client (WireGuard) and delete the certificate from the list of allowed certificates (OpenVPN).


$ curl -X POST \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer abcdefgh" \

This POST call has no parameters.


HTTP/1.1 204 No Content

Error Responses#

Call Example Message Code Description
/connect no such "profile_id" 404 When the profile does not exist, or the user has no permission
/connect invalid "prefer_tcp" 400 When the specified values are neither yes nor no
/connect invalid value for "profile_id" 400 When the syntax for the profile_id is invalid
/connect missing "public_key" parameter 400 When the profile only supports WireGuard and no WireGuard public key was provided
/connect profile "x" does not support OpenVPN 406 When the profile does not support the VPN protocol(s) supported by the client (or vice versa)

An example:

HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
Content-Type: application/json

{"error":"no such \"profile_id\""}

In addition to these errors, there can also be an error with the server that we did not anticipate or is an unusual situation. In that case the response code will be 500 and the JSON error key will contain more information about the error.

VPN Protocol Selection#

The VPN server has a preferred protocol for a VPN connection, but the client can influence this decision by using the HTTP request Accept header and the prefer_tcp POST parameter.

Value Description
application/x-openvpn-profile Accept OpenVPN configurations with UDP and TCP transport
application/x-wireguard-profile Accept WireGuard configurations with UDP transport
application/x-wireguard+tcp-profile Accept WireGuard configurations with TCP transport

A VPN client that supports ALL protocols and transports would have this HTTP Accept request header value:

Accept: application/x-openvpn-profile,application/x-wireguard-profile,application/x-wireguard+tcp-profile

The client can also claim support for a subset of these protocols/transports by only explicitly listing the supported protocols/transports in the Accept header. This makes sure the server never responds with a VPN configuration that is not supported by the VPN client.

NOTE: if the Accept request header is missing, it is assumed that the VPN client supports both OpenVPN and WireGuard, but not WireGuard+TCP.

In addition, the VPN client can indicate if they prefer to connect over TCP using the prefer_tcp HTTP POST field.

Without WireGuard+TCP support#

“Yes” in the “OpenVPN” and “WireGuard” columns means that both the server and client support the protocol, “No” means that only one of them, or neither support the protocol. The value N/A in the “Result” column means that no connection can be established at all.

OpenVPN WireGuard prefer_tcp Result
No No false N/A
No Yes false WireGuard
Yes No false OpenVPN
Yes Yes false Preferred Protocol
No No true N/A
No Yes true WireGuard
Yes No true OpenVPN
Yes Yes true OpenVPN

NOTE: If both WireGuard and OpenVPN are supported by the client, but not WireGuard+TCP, see below, and prefer_tcp is set to true, OpenVPN will be used, even if the server’s preferred protocol is WireGuard!

With WireGuard+TCP support#

“Yes” in the “OpenVPN”, “WireGuard” and “WireGuard+TCP” columns means that both the server and client support the protocol, “No” means that only one of them, or neither support the protocol. The value N/A in the “Result” column means that no connection can be established at all.

OpenVPN WireGuard WireGuard+TCP prefer_tcp Result
No No No false N/A
No No Yes false WireGuard+TCP
No Yes No false WireGuard
No Yes Yes false WireGuard
Yes No No false OpenVPN
Yes No Yes false Preferred Protocol
Yes Yes No false Preferred Protocol
Yes Yes Yes false Preferred Protocol
No No No true N/A
No No Yes true WireGuard+TCP
No Yes No true WireGuard
No Yes Yes true WireGuard+TCP
Yes No No true OpenVPN
Yes No Yes true Preferred Protocol
Yes Yes No true OpenVPN
Yes Yes Yes true Preferred Protocol


The changes made to the API documentation.

Date Change
2021-08-04 Allow client to specify supported VPN protocols on /info call using the X-Proto-Support HTTP request header
2021-09-01 The vpn_proto field was added to the /info response, the tcp_only POST parameter was added for OpenVPN profiles, the public_key POST parameter is now only required for WireGuard profiles, remove the X-Proto-Support header again now that we have vpn_proto in /info response
2021-09-02 Add “Error Responses” section
2021-09-20 Restored the default_gateway bool as needed by the NetworkManager client on Linux
2021-10-13 Remove all references to /info.json, MUST use /.well-known/vpn-user-portal from now on
2021-10-27 Mention following redirects MUST only allow redirecting to https://
2021-11-01 Allow specifying the protocol to use on the /connect call, the vpn_proto field was in the /info response and is of type string array
2021-11-02 Document VPN Protocol Selection for clients
2021-11-04 Update the /info response fields, rewrite “VPN Protocol Selection” section
2022-01-05 The vpn_proto POST parameter was removed and /connect call simplified, the server will always decide based on the provided parameters, i.e. public_key and tcp_only and the supported protocols by the profile…
2022-01-06 The profile_id parameter on the /disconnect call is never used, no point in having the client send it, so the need to send this has been removed
2022-01-18 Rename tcp_only to prefer_tcp and switch to yes and no values instead of on and off, when profile does not exist, a 404 is returned on /connect instead of 400, remove the vpn_proto_preferred key from the /info response, rewrite VPN Protocol Selection and document protocol selection, add Accept header
2022-01-27 Declared API “Stable”
2023-02-07 Improve “Disconnect” section to list all cases where /disconnect should be called
2023-02-08 Simplify “Session Expiry” section
2023-08-25 Mention a second “Countdown Timer” in “Connection Info”
2023-09-05 Move client specific changes to own file
2024-02-12 Document vpn_proto_transport_list and dns_search_domain_list from /info response and add table with all fields
2024-02-15 Add initial documentation for WireGuard over TCP